Rainette verte (F); Boomkikker (NL); Lövgroda (S); Almindelig
Løvfrø (DK); Rosnicka zelená (CZ)
Widespread but scattered over most parts of Europe with the exception
of Italy, Great Britain and Ireland, Scandinavia (only in the extreme
south). Normally living below 800 m.
about 3-4,5
about 3-4,5 cm
Pupil: , horizonally oval;
Metamorphosed Animal:
Back smooth and shiny, bright uniform green. In newly hatched young frogs
there are sometimes olive-green and frequently, depending on the weather
situation, golden animals. In two-year old and older individuals however
less variation in colouring exists.
Adhesive pads on tips of toes and fingers:
From early/end of April to June.
At warm days calling activity starts at dusk and ends usually after midnight.
The rhythmic "app….app….app" is very loud and heard over quite a distance.