Sonneur à ventre de feu (F); Roodbuikvuurpad (NL); Klockgroda
(S); Klokkefrø (DK); Kunka obecná (CZ)
Eastern Europe in the great plains at low altitudes. Western border through
Central Germany, Czech Republic, eastern Austria, Slovenia, Yugoslavia,
Romania, Turkey.
Size: ca. 3-5 cm;
Pupil: heart-shaped;
Metamorphosed Animals:
The red to yellow spots at the underside are usually separated, forming
an individual pattern, like a fingerprint. Back warty, dark olive, often
grey-brown with dark spots. Often with two green spots on the shoulders,
also with broad green central line.
April to July/August.
Dark, musical "oop….oop….oop", separated by intervals of over 1.5 sec.
combined with spherically inflated trunk and throat, revealing the coloured
spot on the throat. The chorus sounds creepy and solemn at the same time.
Young animals call more brightly, like the older Yellow-bellied toads.
Unlike most other anurans, the Fire-bellied toads usually live in or near
the water from spring to autumn.
Fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina
Adult Fire-bellied toad,
below left: inflated, while calling